Assign an Incumbent: Funding
Non-Pooled Student
Help sections available for the Assign process for non-pooled students:
Start | General | Incumbent | Funding | Document Review
The Assign an Incumbent: Funding section allows you to modify the funding for an existing non-pooled student position. You can access this section by from the Assign an Incumbent: Incumbent section or by clicking the Funding arrow on the navigation menu.
Document summary information and a link that enables you to change your desk/view appear just below the page header. To review position attributes, click the View Position Details link for the position ID displayed.
The Assign an Incumbent: Funding section is divided as follows:
HRMS notifies you if the non-pooled position is not funded. If it is unfunded, use the text box that appears to explain why. The earliest effective date for actual funding of the position appears just below the text box.
The table displays information related to the position's funding, arranged as follows:
- Account – The 10-digit funding source from which the position is paid. If funding has not been established, HRMS displays UNFUNDED in this column.
- Unit Code – A seven-digit code assigned to an official entity (academic or administrative department, organized research unit, or project director responsible for a sponsored project).
- Distribution % – The percentage of funding from each account subsidizing a position. The total percentage from all contributing accounts must equal 100.
- Effective Date – The date on which funding began.
- End Date – The date on which funding terminates.
- Actions – Click [edit] to emend the funding data and [undo] to return the information to its original state. Click [delete] to remove a line of information.
- Departmental Coding – System used to categorize and organize departmental financial transactions. Click Add Codes to view or add codes.
Use the up/down arrows () to reverse the order of the table according to the column selected.
Click the Add funding link to add new funding information; a green star icon (
) appears to identify the new entry.
Click [undo] to remove a line.
Buttons located at the bottom of the section allow you to take these actions:
- Save saves your work and identifies errors on the page.
- Save & Finish saves your current work and directs you to the Assign an Incumbent: Document Review section.
Click here to return to the initial Assign an Incumbent Help page.