Modify a Position: Document Review

Help sections available for the Modify a Faculty Position process:

Start | General | Incumbent | Leave Without Pay | Budgetary Funding | Funding | Document Review

You can review all changes to the faculty position before routing the document for approval in the Modify a Position: Document Review section. You can access this section from the initial Modify a Position: Funding section.


Document summary information and a link that enables you to change your desk/view appear just below the page header. To review position attributes, click the View Position Details link for the position ID displayed.

A graphical field below the summary information displays Document Notes (if any), document action buttons, a drop-down menu for other document actions, and the routing history. NOTE: Document notes are not required for the Modify document to be verified or approved.

Use the Verify Document button to conduct an audit review of the document; if you are the creator or an approver in the routing sequence, click the Approve Document option to approve and route the document forward.

Use the drop-down menu to select one of four actions; a text box will appear with corresponding instructions:

The routing history panel at the bottom of the section displays document information. As shown above, the panel displays the following information: when the document was created and by whom, which desk is currently reviewing it, and the department and name of the next reviewer in the routing sequence.

The remaining portion of the Document Review page provides summaries of each document section that you have reviewed/revised; a partial view is provided here.


NOTE: If you are the document's creator, all sections will automatically be open; if you are a reviewer, all will be closed.

  1. Click [SHOW] next to the section title to view expanded information; click [HIDE] to collapse the section. In the image above, the General summary is expanded and all others collapsed.
  2. To make additional changes, open any Modify a Position section and adjust the information.
  3. Reset clears all fields; any unsaved work will be lost.
  4. Click Save & Verify to save your changes. HRMS performs an audit of the entire document.

Click here to return to the Modify a Position start page.