Create a New Position: Recruiting

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Help sections available for the Create a New Position process for an A&P/Classified/Teacher/Librarian position:

Start | General | Salary/Funding | Purpose/Functions | Qualifications | Working Conditions | Justification | Recruiting | Document Review

NOTE: The Create a New Position: Recruiting section appears only if you indicated in the initial Create a New Position section that you are ready to recruit now.

You can select the type of recruiting used for the A&P/Classified/Teacher/Librarian position, designate a selection committee and delegates, and identify any additional requirements in the Create a New Position: Recruiting section, which can be accessed from the Create a New Position: Justification section in the Walk-me-through mode and follows that section in the All-in-one mode.


Document summary information and a link that enables you to change your desk/view appear just below the page header. To view a description of the job, the public job posting, or applicant instructions, click the corresponding link.

The Create a New Position: Recruiting section is divided into the following subsections:


Buttons located at the bottom of the page allow you to take one of three actions:

    NOTE: Any errors identified when you Save & Continue will be carried forward, but they must be corrected before the document can be approved and routed. The system will identify errors and warnings and prompt you to correct them after you click Save & Verify.

Return to the initial Create a New Position Help page.

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