Funding Transaction History
The Funding Transaction History page provides information on a position's funding. To access this page, open the View Position Details section, enter a position ID, and click the Position|Funding tabs on the HRMS header.
- Enter a position ID, using the lookup tool as needed. The view-as-of date defaults to today's date. To enter a different date, type the view-as-of date or use the calendar lookup and Go.
- To view all funding statuses, check the Show All Funding box and click Go. Any documents associated with the position that affect actual funding or budgetary funding will be listed in the Status column. Click the document ID to view the document.
- The Funding for Position ID. . . heading identifies the position whose information is being viewed. Click the position ID link to view the corresponding View Position Details page.
- Actual Funding displays the account information from which a position’s salary is funded. Information is displayed in descending order, beginning with the most recent. Use the up/down arrows
to reverse the order of any column.
- Status displays whether the funding is active, cancelled, replaced, pending or expired.
- Document ID displays the document associated with the corresponding funding line.
- Account – The 10-digit funding source from which the position is paid.
- Account Title – Name given to the funding source used to fund a position.
- Unit Code – The seven-digit code assigned to an official entity (academic or administrative department, organized research unit, or project director responsible for a sponsored project).
- Distribution% – The percentage of funding from each account subsidizing a position. The total percentage from all contributing accounts must equal 100.
- Eff. Date – The date on which the designated funding begins.
- End Date – The date on which the designated funding ends.
- Dept. Coding – Click the [Details] link to view department codes for the specified account.
- Actual Funding displays the account information from which a position’s salary is funded. Information is displayed in descending order, beginning with the most recent. Use the up/down arrows
- The Budgetary Funding for FY. . . heading displays budgetary funding for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year.
- Budgetary Funding is only viewable for positions that are budgeted, and only during times of the year when the Budget Update Document (BUD) is closed. The Budget Office determines when the BUD is opened and closed.
- Status displays whether the funding is active, cancelled, replaced, pending or expired.
- Document ID displays the budget document associated with the corresponding funding line.
- Account – The 10-digit funding source on which the position is budgeted.
- Budget Group Title – This indicates the name of the budget group, or collection of accounts, from which the position will be budgeted.
- Unit Code – The seven-digit code assigned to an official entity (academic or administrative department, organized research unit, or project director responsible for a sponsored project).
- Distribution % – The percentage of budgetary funding from each account budgeting a position.
- Budgeted Allocation – The proposed salary amount designated to a budgetary funding line.
- Budgetary Funding is only viewable for positions that are budgeted, and only during times of the year when the Budget Update Document (BUD) is closed. The Budget Office determines when the BUD is opened and closed.