Assign an Incumbent: Budgetary Funding
Help sections available for the Assign an Incumbent process:
Start | General | Incumbent | LWOP | Budgetary Funding | Funding | Document Review
The Assign an Incumbent: Budgetary Funding section allows you to make changes to the budgetary funding for positions that are budgeted, at times when the Budget and the Budget Update Document (BUD) are closed. This section is accessible from the Budgetary Funding page of an Assign document.
The Assign an Incumbent: Budgetary Funding page displays the following:
- Budgetary funding for the current fiscal year. No changes can be made to the budgetary funding for the current fiscal year. Use the up/down arrows
to reverse the order of the table according to the column selected.
- Current fiscal year baseline information for the position, current incumbent rate, original budgeted rate, and BUD position hours per week are displayed.
- Document ID – The BUD document associated with the position.
- Account – The 10-digit funding source on which the position is budgeted.
- Budget Group Title – This indicates the name of the budget group, or collection of accounts, from which the position will be budgeted.
- Unit Code – The seven-digit code assigned to an official entity (academic or administrative department, organized research unit, or project director responsible for a sponsored project).
- Distribution % – The percentage of funding from the account budgeting a position.
- Budgeted Allocation – The proposed salary amount designated to a budgetary funding line.
- Budgetary funding for the next fiscal year. Changes to budgetary funding for the next fiscal year can be made only when the BUD is not open. Final approved modifications to budgetary funding information for the next fiscal year will load to the BUD when it becomes available in the spring. The university's Budget Office controls the opening and closing of the BUD.
Use the up/down arrows
to reverse the order of the table according to the column selected.
- Next fiscal year baseline information for the position, the 09/01 incumbent rate, and 09/01 position hours per week are displayed.
- Account – The 10-digit funding source on which the position is budgeted.
- Budget Group Title – This indicates the name of the budget group, or collection of accounts, from which the position will be budgeted.
- Unit Code – The seven-digit code assigned to an official entity (academic or administrative department, organized research unit, or project director responsible for a sponsored project).
- Distribution % – The percentage of funding from each account budgeting a position.
- Budgeted Allocation – The proposed salary amount designated to a budgetary funding line.
- Actions allow users to edit information in a line or delete the line entirely.
- Click Add budgetary funding to make additional entries for budgetary funding.
- Click Save to save your work and remain on the Assign an Incumbent: Budgetary Funding page
- Click Funding in the document navigation to go to the Assign an Incumbent: Funding section.
Click here to return to the initial Assign an Incumbent Help page.