Mass Assign Document: Document Review
Work-Study, Pooled Student

Help sections available for the Assign Work-Study process for pooled students:

Start | General | Miscellaneous | Work-Study | Employment of Close Relatives | Remarks | Department Codes | Location | Document Review

You can review all changes to the pooled student position before routing the document for approval on the Mass Assign Document: Document Review page. You can access this section from the Mass Assign Document: Location page.


Document summary information and a link that enables you to change your desk/view appear just below the page header. Click the link to view the corresponding View Position Details page.

The Mass Assign Document: Document Review section is arranged as follows:

In the rectangular area below the document summary information, a link enables you to access e-mail notifications; below that, any notes relating to the document are displayed.

In the area to the right are two large buttons and a drop-down menu.

The routing history panel at the bottom of the section displays document information. As shown above, the panel displays the following information: when the document was created and by whom, which desk is currently reviewing it, and the department and name of the next reviewer in the routing sequence.

Information is displayed for the incumbents, arranged in columnal form as follows:

Information is displayed in descending order, from the most recent fiscal year to the beginning fiscal year selected. Use the up/down arrows (arrow) to reverse the order of any column.

Estimated Total Pay for These Assignments – The approximate total amount that all assigned students will be paid during the work-study period is displayed.

Return to the initial Assign Work-Study Help page.